Essential Supplies for New Cat Owners: What You Need to Prepare

Essential Supplies for New Cat Owners: What You Need to Prepare

For first-time cat owners, diving into the world of feline care can feel like a whirlwind of uncertainty. But fear not! I've compiled a handy list of must-have essentials to help newbie cat parents navigate their way through cat ownership with confidence and ease. Let's take a look at what you'll need to ensure your new furry friend is happy, healthy, and well-cared for.

Newbie Cat Essentials:

Cat Shampoo:

Cats are naturally clean creatures and usually groom themselves, but having pet-specific shampoo is important. Human products can cause allergic reactions, so stick to ones made for cats.


After bath time, it's essential to dry your cat immediately to prevent them from catching a cold. Have a designated cat towel for this purpose.

Nail Clippers:

Trimming your cat's nails regularly is crucial to avoid accidental scratches and damage to furniture. Use cat-specific nail clippers and trim every 10 to 15 days, starting around three months of age.

Cat Comb:

Regular combing helps keep your cat's coat clean, prevents knots, and promotes blood circulation. Invest in a cat comb for grooming sessions.

Pet Wipes:

Pet wipes are handy for various cleaning tasks, from wiping their bottoms after using the litter box to cleaning tear stains, paws, and mouths. They're especially useful for cats who can't bathe regularly.

Litter Box:

Choose a spacious litter box, preferably semi-closed or open with good visibility. Opt for tofu cat litter, which is eco-friendly, odorless, and easy to clean. Ensure the litter box is large enough for your cat to move comfortably.

Health Essentials:

Deworming Medicine: Keep your furry friend healthy by deworming them every 3 to 6 months, or more frequently if they roam outdoors or have a raw meat diet. Start deworming when they're just two months old to protect them from harmful parasites.

Ear Wash:

Give your cat's ears the attention they deserve with regular cleaning to prevent pesky ear mites, especially if they're prone to scratching.

Eye Drops:

Ensure your cat's eyes stay bright and clear with chloramphenicol eye drops, particularly if they have short nasal cavities that may cause excess eye secretions.

Hairball Remedy:

Help your cat maintain their gastrointestinal health and prevent uncomfortable hairballs by incorporating a hairball-reducing cream into their routine.


Support your cat's digestive system with probiotics, particularly if they experience any digestive upset after deworming. These essential supplements can help restore their digestive balance and keep them feeling their best.

Cat Toys:

Cat Scratching Board:

Give your cat a scratching board to indulge their natural urge to claw and save your furniture from destruction. Watching them stretch and scratch away will bring joy to both of you.

Cat Climbing Frame:

Introduce your cat to a world of adventure with a climbing frame. Watch them explore, jump, and climb, keeping them physically fit and mentally sharp.

Paper Box:

Transform a simple paper box into a magical playground for your cat. Cutting holes in it will spark their curiosity and provide endless entertainment.

Cat Teasing Stick:

Ignite your cat's inner hunter with a teasing stick. Engage in playful games that mimic hunting behavior, fostering a strong bond between you and your furry friend.

Diet Essentials:

Stainless steel or ceramic food and water bowls Opt for stainless steel or ceramic bowls for your cat's food and water. Plastic bowls can harbor bacteria and are difficult to clean, potentially leading to blackened chins for your cat.

High-quality cat food Cats are carnivores, so prioritize natural cat food with a high meat content. This type of diet supports healthy weight maintenance and overall well-being for your feline friend.

Cat Accessories:

Cat Backpack:

Transport your cat comfortably and safely with a cat backpack for outings, vet visits, and baths.

Cat Bed:

Provide a cozy sleeping space for your cat with a bed placed in a warm spot in winter and a cool spot in summer to suit their sleeping habits.